Community Starts with you!
Welcome to our Marlton community
Marlton is a suburb in Prince George County, Maryland. The population exceeds 10,000* and is comprised of over 3660* households. Living units in Marlton consist of single unit homes, townhomes, apartments, as well as a senior living apartment complex. (*Population data is from 2020 Census.)
MNA 2024 3rd Annual Boonanza Truck or Treat
December Newsletter 2024
Marlton Neighborhood Alliance President Alexis Reed-Curling is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: MNA Quarterly Community Meeting 3-13-25 7PM
Time: Mar 13, 2025 19:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 1522 9750
Passcode: 825580
2nd Annual MNA Block Party August 12, 2023
Pictures from the MNA Trunk or Treat 10-30-22
Community Walk 10-8-22
Open positions on the MNA officers/committee boards
· Secretary
· Social Media Coordinator
· Political Liaison
· Story Writers
· Proofreader
· Billing Coordinator
· Advertising Sales Representative
For more information please contact us at
MNA Accomplishments and the Path Forward
We are taking a look back at all that we were able to accomplish during our three years, yet another phenomenal year!
¨ Reestablished an overarching community association, named Marlton Neighborhood Alliance (MNA), to represent all of the residents and owners in the Marlton community.
MNA has received its 501(c) Non-Profit designation!
¨ Held multiple Community Meetings,
¨ Led the effort that corrected the speed humps on Fairhaven Ave.
Completed the Grandhaven Avenue Speed Hump project.
¨ Created the website. A website dedicated to information relevant to and about the Marlton community.
¨ Recreated, a new and improved, Marlton electronic newsletter, available online at The MNA Newsletter is full of interesting articles and useful neighborhood information.
¨ Adopted a Road: Heathermore Blvd
¨ Formed a monthly "Spruce Up Marlton" effort to clean up our streets every 3rd Saturday of the month ( in selected areas on a rotational basis).
¨ Researched and created an updated Marlton HOA contact list, which can be viewed at:
¨ Created numerous email accounts for residents and owners to communication with MNA directly. - main email account to communicate with Board members. - to submit articles, comments, feedback (positive or negative) on the newsletter. - to reach the website administrator.
There are many more activities, efforts, and goals that we continue to strive towards. We can get there with your help! To find out more, please reach out to the Board members at: or sign up for committees at our website:
As we round our 2nd year as "One Marlton Community", we are committed to offering more future planned activities and committees. Stay tuned into to for the announcements and make sure you sign up for the Marlton newsletters at: for the latest Marlton information.
The success of this website and newsletter depend on residents. For us to flourish we don’t need you to commit much - simply make sure others know about the resources and let us know what you like or want more of. We also greatly appreciate those that want to be more involved and volunteer their time or skills for the community.
News and Events
Next Spruce Up Marlton Day is 6-22-2024
Contact us
For additional information regarding the Marlton Neighborhood Alliance and how to get involved; or any questions please email:
Address: Marlton Neighborhood Alliance
PO Box 401
Cheltenham, MD 20643
Call or text: 301-259-1707